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Inicio  /  Algorithms  /  Vol: 16 Par: 2 (2023)  /  Artículo

Local Convergence Analysis of a One Parameter Family of Simultaneous Methods with Applications to Real-World Problems

Tsonyo M. Pavkov    
Valentin G. Kabadzhov    
Ivan K. Ivanov and Stoil I. Ivanov    


In this paper, we provide a detailed local convergence analysis of a one-parameter family of iteration methods for the simultaneous approximation of polynomial zeros due to Ivanov (Numer. Algor. 75(4): 1193?1204, 2017). Thus, we obtain two local convergence theorems that provide sufficient conditions to guarantee the Q-cubic convergence of all members of the family. Among the other contributions, our results unify the latest such kind of results of the well known Dochev?Byrnev and Ehrlich methods. Several practical applications are further given to emphasize the advantages of the studied family of methods and to show the applicability of the theoretical results.

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