Strokes are considered an elementary unit of road networks and have been widely used in their analysis and application. However, most conventional stroke generation methods are based solely on a fixed angle threshold, which ignores road networks? geometric and structural properties. To remedy this, this paper proposes an algorithm for generating strokes that takes into account these additional geometric and structural road network properties and that reduces the impact of stroke generation on road network quality. To this end, we introduce a model of feature-based information entropy and then utilize this model to calculate road networks? information volume and both the elemental and neighborhood level. To make our experimental results more objective, we use the Douglas-Peucker algorithm to simplify the information change curve and to obtain the optimal angle threshold range for generating strokes for different road network structures. Finally, we apply this model to three different road networks, and the optimal threshold ranges are 54°?63° (Chicago), 61°?63° (Moscow), 45°?48° (Monaco). And taking Monaco as an example, this paper conducts stroke selection experiments. The results demonstrate that our proposed algorithm has better connectivity and wider coverage than those based on a common angle threshold (60°).